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darktable. RAW-конвертер.

Тема в разделе "Конвертация RAW", создана пользователем gremlinner, 12 апр 2010.

  1. все обьянимо. т.к. "сердце" программы - RawTherapee, "фишка" которого - ТОЧНАЯ работа с цветом/светом и Fp64-матерматика, то да, на менее чем 16/8-ядерных процессорах и без вагона ОЗУ(32 или 64 - улетают только в путь)ворочается неспешно, увы. но это СТОИТ того(по картинке), IMHO.
    гораздо чаще, впрочем - автор слышит проклятие про недоступность сабжа под Виндой или "чудесатость" версии под Макось )
  2. Я -Tux,добрый пИнгвин,поэтому недоступность программы(лично не проверял),под другие ОС,меня мало волнуют.
    Кстати,могу поздравить с выходом новой версии.Теперь времени на обработку,совсем нет).
    Программа -интересная,но для меня не очень удобная.Не смог за 3 месяца,привыкнуть к интерфейсу.
    Вернулся обратно к RawTherapee.Программа совершенствуется не по дням, а по часам,что с одной стороны -хорошо,а с другой -огромная трата времени на изучение новых функций.
  3. При последнем обновлении до версии 1.4-2 через PPA в Убунте 14.04 обнаружил, что добавили профиль для линзы Sony 16-50/2.8 SSM, что несказанно обрадовало. Раньше для 16-17мм ШУ приходилось использовать профиль Тамрона 17-50/2.8, что хоть как-то выручало.
  4. Доступна нестабильная версия 1.5.
  5. #25 13 дек 2014 в 07:56 | darktable. RAW-конвертер. | Страница 2
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 13 дек 2014
    Тихо и незаметно вышел релиз Darktable 1.6

    darktable v1.4 to v1.6 development history (для любителей визуализации экосистемы, прим.ред.)
  6. В "репах" Сюзи, релизом пока остается v1.4.2.
    Версия 1.6.0 пока еще нестабильна. Я бы не торопился обновляться.
  7. #28 9 фев 2016 в 16:34 | darktable. RAW-конвертер. | Страница 2
    Последнее редактирование: 5 сен 2017
    Вообще то на офсайте уже darktable 2.0.1 released от 03.02.16.

    add export variables for Creator, Publisher and Rights from metadata
    add support for key accels for spot removal iop
    add some more info to --version
    add collection sorting by group_id to keep grouped images together
    add $(IMAGE.BASENAME) to watermark
    OSX packaging: add darktable-cltest
    OSX packaging: add darktable-generate-cache


    make sure GTK prefers our CSS over system's
    make selected label's background color visible
    make ctrl-t completion popup nicer
    fixed folder list scrolling to the top on select
    scale waveform histogram to hidpi screens
    really hide all panels in slideshow
    add filename to missing white balance message
    fix wrong tooltip in print scale
    changing mask no longer invalidates the filmstrip thumb, making it faster
    fix calculated image count in a collection
    don't allow too small sidepanels
    fixes white balance sliders for some cameras
    fix some memleaks
    code hardening in color reconstruction
    validate noiseprofiles.json on startup
    no longer lose old export presets
    fix some crash with wrong history_end
    don't load images from cameras with CYGM/RGBE CFA for now
    some fixes in demosaicing
    fix red/blue interpolation for XTrans
    fix profiled denoise on OpenCL
    use sRGB when output/softproof profile is missing
    fix loading of .hdr files
    default to libsecret instead of gnome keyring which is no longer supported
    fix a bug in mask border self intersections
    don't allow empty strings as mask shape names
    fix a crash in masks
    fix an OpenCL crash
    eliminate deprecated OpenCL compiler options
    update appdata file to version 0.6
    allow finding Saxon on Fedora 23

    Camera support:

    Fujifilm XQ2 RAW support
    support all Panasonic FZ150 crop modes
    basic support for Nikon 1 V3
    add defs for Canon CHDK DNG cameras to make noise profiles work

    White balance presets:

    add Nikon D5500
    add Nikon 1 V3
    add missing Nikon D810 presets
    add Fuji X100T


    copy X100S to X100T

    Noise profiles:

    fix typo in D5200 profiles to make them work again
    add Panasonic FZ1000
    add Nikon D5500
    add Ricoh GR
    add Nikon 1 V3
    add Canon PowerShot S100
    copy Fuji X100S to X100T


    add Hungarian
    update German
    update Swedish
    update Slovak
    update Spanish
    update Dutch
    update French
  8. 99ю не поддерживает даже релиз кандидат, прохожу мимо.
  9. С чего бы это?

    "Camera support, compared to 2.2.0"

    Полный список поддерживаемого можно найти здесь: http://www.darktable.org/resources/camera-support/
  10. Уже другое дело. По первой ссылке из поста #30 99й небыло.
  11. Darktable получил мажорное обновление


    Darktable, приложение для редактирования фотографий c открытым кодом, получило мажорное обновление с новыми модулями и функциями. Версия 2.6.0 стала результатом более 6 месяцев работы.
    Обновленный модуль ретуширования retouch module является обновленной версией инструмента spot removal (удаление пятен) с целой коллекцией дополнительных инструментов для удаления нежелательных артефактов. Также был серьезно улучшен инструмент клонирования, а встроенный модуль разделения частот позволяет легко удалять пятна без потери текстуры.

    Новый модуль filmic, по информации из пресс-релиза, «был разработан для воспроизводства положительных качеств аналоговой пленки, при этом сохраняя простой контроль цифровой фотографии». Модуль filmic является расширенным инструментом кривых с большим количеством настроек, позволяющих точно отрегулировать экспозицию. Возможны настройки черного, белого, контраста, локального контраста и т.п.

    В новой версии появился модуль для управления дубликатами в каталоге, позволяющий создавать несколько версий Raw-файлов. Среди других обновлений – новые настройки зума, предпросмотр маски с возможностью коррекции размера и растушевки перед применением, новые фильтры сортировки, а также обновленный инструмент выбора цвета. С остальными обновлениями можно ознакомиться на официальном сайте приложения.

    Darktable доступен для бесплатного скачивания для macOS, Windows и некоторых версий Linux.

    источник https://www.onfoto.ru
    RulerM нравится это.
  12. Скачал, попробовал... Что могу сказать - возможности у проги потрясающие! Несколько режимов дебариезации, огромное количество модулей, поддержка профилей камер и оптики и т.д. Из минусов (для меня) - философия Линукс. То есть - огромное количество настроек, вариантов использования и т.д. Что бы все потестировать, опробовать и применить совместно с друг другом нужно очень много времени и познаний. Интерфейс непревычен и во многом заточен под хоткеи. В результате - получаемое на выходе изображение может сильно различаться в зависимости от настроек.. И вот от этих игр с настройками сильно устаешь.. То есть - лень тратить время вместо обработки фото на настройки программы..
    nauticus нравится это.
  13. По мне так очень хороший проявщик. Пользуюсь им года с 14го.


    darktable 2.6.1 released

    New Features
    • export module to piwigo
    • color balance enhancements
    • color contrast enhancements
    • filmic enhancements (better auto-tuner)
    • add contextual help for filmic module
    • middle-click can be used to open the presets menu (this is consistent with the fact that middle-click can be used to create a new instance from a preset)
    • again, better CSS customization for lighttable, filmstrip and duplicates module
    • presets can now be imported/exported
    • all zoom levels can now be reached with a ctrl-scroll
    • the slideshow view will adjust automatically when darktable window is resized
    • add support for tiff CIELAB/ICCLAB 8/16 bits
    • add hierarchical view for styles (separated with |)
    • forms opacity is displayed in hint messages
    • add a color picker in the watermark module
    • fix collect module filters
    • fix retouch module, mask areas are properly taking into account the source and destination
    • fix navigation from darkroom when groups are present and collapsed
    • fix a rare issue where masks could "jump" to some random location
    • keep reference point (mouse position) when zooming above 200%
    • title and description filters are now properly working
    • minor UI fixes to gain some spaces in darktable modules
    • fix masks detection over the mouse in some complex cases
  14. darktable 3.0.0 released

    The Big Ones

    • A full rework of the GUI. The whole GUI is now fully
      controlled by GTK+ CSS rules. There is
      no more size, color, position in Gtk C code, which makes the whole GUI themable. This version comes
      with several themes:
    darktablethe default theme
    darktable-iconsthe default theme with icons
    darktable-elegant-darkermore condensed fonts ; best experience with Roboto font installed
    darktable-icons-darkeras elegant, with module icons ; best experience with Roboto font installed
    darktable-elegant-darklighter version
    darktable-elegant-greyeven lighter version
    darktable-icons-darklighter version. with module icons
    darktable-icons-greyeven lighter version, with module icons
    New shortcuts have been introduced to quickly collapse borders, sidebars, histogram and
    navigation modules, allowing a new borderless editing experience.
    Note that the new GUI requires Gtk+ 3.22 or higher to work properly.
    • It's now possible to associate dynamic key shortcuts to sliders, then
      use them with the mouse wheel or arrow keys to move the value up and down.
      For example, associating the E key to the exposure slider, you can press
      it and scroll to increase the exposure without having to open the module.
      You get fast heads-up access to all your favorite settings, as if you
      were using a dedicated multimedia console.
    • The color picker on the 'tone curve', 'color zones' and 'fill light' modules,
      as well as the parametric mask controls, now allows you to select an
      area when enabled by using Ctrl+click on the button.
    • Added undo/redo support in lighttable for tags, color labels, ratings,
      metadata, deleted history stack, pasted history stack and applied
      The 'preview' and 'preview with focus detection' actions
      (previously Z and Ctrl+Z respectively) are now assigned to
      W and Ctrl+W in order to follow the convention of
      using Ctrl+Z for the "undo" function (Ctrl+Y for redo).
    • A new timeline view has been introduced in the lighttable.
    • A new 'culling' mode has been added to the lightable view. It
      displays a fixed number of consecutive images starting from the first
      selected, and allows you to pan & zoom them. The number of displayed images
      can be set by the user, and they can be navigated with the mouse wheel
      and keyboard.
    • A quite extensive rewrite of the lighttable view (including the filmstrip in darkroom view)
      has been made to greatly improve the overall performance. The lighttable is now
      usable on 4K and 5K monitors.
    • Added support for the new 'raster mask', a copy of a parametric mask
      which is stable during the whole pixel-pipe.
    • The processing order of the pixel-pipe can now be changed by using
      Ctrl+Shift+drag on the module headers to arrange them relative
      to each other. It is VERY IMPORTANT to understand that this feature is NOT
      for creating a more convenient GUI layout, but for changing the actual
      processing of the image. DO NOT USE THIS FEATURE unless you understand the
      reason behind the default ordering, and have a specific reason for changing it.
      The default order is still the correct order for most purposes. Also note that
      styles will always apply the default ordering; creating a style based on modules
      which have had their order changed will NOT recreate this changed order when
      applied, and therefore may not give the expected result.
    • The history stack will now always show mandatory modules which were previously
      hidden. They are always active as necessary for processing images, and are not
      removed by compressing history or by selecting one as a stating point for editing.
      These seven modules (some are RAW-only) have a specific icon to identify them easily:
      - raw black/white point
      - white balance
      - highlight reconstruction
      - demosaic
      - input color profile
      - output color profile
      - gamma
    • The 'color zones' module now shows a histogram based on the chosen ‘select
      by’ channel, and if the color picker is in 'select area' mode, the range within
      the selected area will also be shown. By default, the spline adjustment is
      now similar to the curve controls, allowing you to add and delete nodes, but
      these nodes can still be moved with the old-style size control by selecting
      the 'edit by area' checkbox. There is also a new 'strong' processing option,
      and a new color picker which creates a curve based on selected image area.
    • A new module 'filmic RGB' which, like the previous 'filmic', is designed
      to replace 'base curve', 'shadows and highlights' and other global tone-mapping modules.
      This new version replaces the one introduced in 2.6.2; it should be easier to use,
      and it will reduce color casts. The old 'filmic' module is now deprecated and
      is only available on images where it was already used for editing.
    • A new module 'tone equalizer' is designed to merge the features of 'zone system',
      'shadows and highlights', and (local) 'tone mapping' modules in a scene-referred
      RGB space. It brings an easy and safe way to remap tones locally, performing a quick
      zone-based dodging and burning using Ansel Adam's zone system logic.
      The module provides an interface similar to audio graphic equalizers,
      with 9 bands (available as fixed sliders or nodes on a spline view),
      allowing you to selectively push or pull the exposure for each band in the
      range from blacks to specular highlights. It also features an interactive
      cursor that allows to push or pull the exposure gains directly from
      the image preview by simply hovering over an area and scrolling. It uses a guided filter
      internally to refine the dodging and burning mask, which preserves local contrast
      without producing halos along edges.
    New Features And Changes

    • A new module for handling 3D RGB Lut transformations (PNG Hald-CLUT and
      Cube files are supported).
    • Many improvements to the 'denoise (profiled)' module. The degree of shadow
      denoising can be controlled, including the correction of color casts
      (mainly improves high-ISO images). "Auto" modes which infer some parameters
      from the profile are available, allowing users to create presets
      which are adaptive to various ISO values. The default values of the sliders
      are also adapted dynamically on module activation, giving a good trade-off
      between noise smoothing and detail preservation. The non-local means mode
      has 2 new options: one to coarse-grain denoising, and one to control the
      amount of fine detail to preserve. The controls now have soft boundaries,
      which means that users can use the keyboard to enter values outside the
      range of the sliders if they need to.
    • Along with selecting the 'soft proof' color profile, users can now select an
      additional profile for the color space of the histogram, color picker and
      overexposed checker. When gamut or softproof checks are active the histogram
      and color picker use the softproof profile, otherwise they use the new
      histogram profile (which is always used for overexposure checking).
    • A new setting for 'working profile' has been added to the input color profile
      module. This color space will be used by RGB modules between the input and
      output color profile modules.
    • A new color picker has been added to the parametric masking controls which
      adjusts the range sliders based on the selected area from the image. Click the
      picker button to adjust the input image slider, Ctrl+click the
      button to adjust the output image slider.
    • The 'picasa' target storage in the export module has been completely rewritten
      to support the new Google Photo API, and renamed 'google photos'. It is again
      possible to create albums directly from the export module.
    • A new single-line image information display can be positioned at the top (left, right,
      or center) or bottom (center) of the darkroom view to replace the information previously
      overlaid on the histogram. The specific information shown can be configured in preferences.
    • The 'tagging' module is faster, and can now display hierarchical tags in a
      tree view. Tags can now be designated as 'private' (not exported by default),
      'synonym' (to help search engines), and 'category' (not exported, for organizing
      the tag library). The metadata exported with images can now be configured in the
      'export selected' module, allowing you to choose which main types are exported,
      as well as define values for specific tags based on formulas.
    • Many code optimizations for CPU and SSE paths. The tone equalizer module
      introduces a new optimization paradigm (GCC target clones), aimed toward users
      of pre-built Linux packages. The image-processing code will be cloned for several
      CPU generations (SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, AVX, AVX2) at compilation time, and the best-suited
      version of the code will be chosen by the system at run time. This experiment is
      to be generalized to other modules if proven successful, and will allow users of pre-built
      packages to get the same performance as if the program was specifically compiled for their
      computer. It needs GCC 9 compiler and does not yet work on Windows
      due to the lack of support of target clones on the OS side.
    • A new preference to expand/collapse a darkroom module when it is
    • The 'collect images' module has a new single-click option featuring range selection
      for date-time and numeric values.
    • The orientation of drawn masks using the 'gradient' shape is now clearly displayed
      with an arrow.
    • The 'graduated density' module has better accuracy when computing the
      rotation to avoid sporadic flipping of the gradient.
    • Make sure the OpenCL kernel code is recompiled when the driver
      version is updated.
    • Add color pickers for 'split toning', 'graduated density' and 'watermark' modules.
    • The color picker positions are kept during editing within a module.
    • The map view can zoom on the images of the selected collection.
    • The slideshow will now start at the selected images if any, and supports
      changing the delay between images. It will also now be more responsive when
      manually moving backward and forward through the images.
    • A new 'basic adjustments' module has been added. It allows to adjust
      the black level, exposure, highlight compression, contrast, middle grey,
      brightness and saturation. It also has an auto feature based on Rawtherapee's
      auto levels that can work on the entire image or a user selected area.
    • A new 'rgb curve' module has been added. It has modes for linked and
      independent RGB channels. The curves and histogram can be displayed using
      the working profile or can be scaled to be 50% grey. A secondary color
      picker will add 4 nodes to the curve based on the area selected in the
      image: min, average, middle, and max.
    • A new 'rgb levels' module has been added. It has linked and
      independent channels, preserve colors option and is native RGB.
    • A new search box has been added to the module groups in the darkroom
      view, with configuration options to show only the module groups, only
      the search box, or both. Modules are searched for by (localized) name,
      and when displaying only the search box, the active modules are shown
      when the box is empty. A shortcut can be set for focusing the box.
    • A preview window has been added to the darkroom that displays the edited image
      on a separate window.
    • A new option 'skip' is added to the 'on conflict' setting on the export module
      which skips the exporting to existing destination files.
    • Allow to switch between clone/heal and blur/color modes in 'retouch' module
      after creating a shape using Ctrl+click on corresponding mode icon.
    • An accels window (H) has been added to summarize all
      available shortcuts and mouse actions available in the current
    • A zoom & pan feature has been added to lighttable full preview.
    • The base-curve module is now using luminance color preservation by
      default. This can give slightly less saturated pictures compared to
      the previous version where no color preservation was made. But it
      will generally avoid color shift.

    Сборка под windows.
    nauticus нравится это.

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