Петиция Сони о новых прошивках для D7D & D5D

Тема в разделе "Общий", создана пользователем nvas, 21 июл 2006.

  1. Сегодня последний день подписи петиции Сони о новых прошивках для D7/5D

    To: Sony AMC Division

    We, the owners of KonicaMinolta Alpha/Dynax/Maxxum cameras, expect from Sony to offer support for our existing gear. Our cameras are lacking some features that could be easily incorporated through firmware upgrade.

    For Alpha/D/M 7D only:
    - Improvements as seen on the 5D (ZoneMatching, Raw magnification, write times, AF and exposure)

    For Alpha/D/M 5D only:
    - Bigger zoom in playback mode

    For Alpha/D/M 5D and 7D:
    - Standard exif information about the image rotation - not only in the MakerNote
    - Flash without pre-flash (or make it faster)
    - Noise reduction algorithm should replace hot pixels with surrounding color, not pure black

    We are offering Sony our trust, a high value in DSLR market.


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