Breakthrough on rumor front! Plenty of new Sony E-mount cameras to come soon (And more E and A mount

Тема в разделе "Фотокамеры", создана пользователем stanislavm, 1 сен 2013.

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  1. Something ia about to change at Sony!
    The last six months I got a huge amount of rumors and hints about cameras. The NEX-FF, NEX-7 successor, A-mount mirrorless, A79 specs, Firmware update info. A lot of info and single pieces of information I often didn’t know how to order. I had questions like…what’s coming first? What tech will be used by what camera? It’s an incredibly hard job to get rumors and it’s even harder when Sony keeps changing roadmap and hiding things.
    But the latest 24 hours were exciting(!!!) on the rumor work front. I got an 80% perfectly exactly clue about what’s going to happen the next 6 months. And I even got “evidence”…or better “pictures” that allowed me a breakthrough on the rumor front. Some questions are still left but I will sort them out in time. I will promise you an STORM of rumors on SonyAlphaRumors right after the QX camera announcement on Tuesday. The next 3-4 days I will work with all my sources to clear out all the questions that are left. Here are some hints about what’s coming. All SR5 guys!
    1) There will me many new APS-C E-mount cameras and lenses in September. One of these cameras has a unique feature, and that camera will make you happy (if the price isn’t too high). And also Canon and Nikon owners will be motivated to switch and they can perfectly use all their lenses on it! Question left to answer: pricing and some specs. Lens availability (don’t know if lenses will be available yet or if these is just a roadmap announcement).
    2) The NEX-FF is confirmed(!). It is a pure NEX shape with more ergonomic grip. It is probably the most close guarded secret right now as so much development has gone into it. A source told me that it is some different from what you might expect. The project was near cancel several time and revived! Question left to answer: Announcement and specs (end 2013 or very early 2014?).
    3) A-mount future: It’s moving more towards the PRO market and mirrorless tech. And Early 2014 is the most likely date to see the new generation APS-C and FF A-mount cameras. Questions left: Specs and final announcement date. New lenses coming too (at leats four within the next six months).
    4) Firmware updates and NEX-7 successor: The NEX-7 successor suffered from delays because the NEX team priority shifted towards the cameras that I described on point 1. This is also the same reason why major firmware upgrade for the A77, NEX-7 and A99 and so on have been delayed (this week firmware update was just a small update). Sony engineers worked hard for the ASP-C A-mount cameras and NEX-FF. I have been told that its very likely the after the announcement storm in September they will finalize the firmware update work. Questions left: NEX-7 successor specs and release date.
    5) You remember the mistake made by one of my sources saying the A3000 has in Body IS and another source saying it has a higher resolution EVF? They read wrong data in the Sony menu-manual. Even that was actually not a mistake…these are the data from another camera that Sony put by mistake on menu [​IMG]
    If sources are reading this and can help me to get some answer contact me anonymously by using the contact form you see on the very right of your browser. You can also contact me directly at
    I will post pictures soon!!!
    And that time I can prove what I am writing here. I got two pics confirming that the info I am sharing to you is correct. Sony did change the roadmap more than I thought and there are more surprises than expected. And suddenly everything makes a lot of sense (all the NEX-7 successor confusion, the firmware delay, the NEX-FF rumors, the A–mount mirrorless…. I really had one of the best days ever on SAR [​IMG]
    I will share these pics with sources to discuss the details. Give me 3-4 days only to sort out some of the questions left. I will definitely post what I got after the QX camera announcement on Tuesday. And what you will see…I bet there will be more than 1,000 comments [​IMG] Tomorrow I will give you a hint about one of the cameras that not only Sony but also Canon, Nikon and Pentax lens owners will be veeery happy to own (and still use their lenses!).
    Stay tuned on SAR. It’s going to be a hell of a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Не все понял. Что скажите
  2. Пойти что ли на диксуме на русском запостить с заголовком "Молния!Срочно в Номер!":D>:)
  3. А что непонятно то? Всё очень поинятно и уже давно руморилось, только с более низким рейтингом вероятности.
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